Reefer Moon
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Yancey Yarboro is home from the war and growing tomatoes on his father's ground. Susan Drake, married, beautiful and neglected, lives in a beach house not far away. They have never...
Yancey Yarboro is home from the war and growing tomatoes on his father’s ground. Susan Drake, married, beautiful and neglected, lives in a beach house not far away. They have never met, at least not yet. When real estate developers come looking for land to expand a golf course, Yancey wonders if he is about to lose everything. But Yancey has four hundred pounds of marijuana salvaged from a dope run gone awry. And he has Gator Brown, near-sighted hoodoo doctor, whose spiritual machinations sometimes fly wide of the mark.
It’s the Lowcountry of South Carolina. The jasmine is blooming and the moon and the magic are working overtime.